What is a profesiogram and how to easily create it?
What it is, how it can benefit your company, and how you can easily create a job profile chart. Discover all of this and much more below!
What it is, how it can benefit your company, and how you can easily create a job profile chart. Discover all of this and much more below!
Isabel García
HR Consultant
18 of February, 2025
The profesiogram allows us to identify the necessary knowledge and peculiarities required to fill a specific job position. Ultimately, it helps the human resources department understand the characteristics the candidate they’re looking for should have. Having clear ideas during the selection process is crucial to find the perfect candidate. It aids in identifying someone who meets our company’s needs, an area where the profesiogram is greatly helpful.
In the same vein, specialized software can serve as an ideal support. Sesame, a human resources software, offers many features that will let you manage a myriad of processes. For instance, it enables you to create a corporate organization chart quickly and easily. All you need to do is provide a little information, and it will automatically generate a suitable design and structure.
In short, we could say that a profesiogram is a tool implemented to determine the needs, professional training, personal and educational characteristics that a position demands within a company.
Ultimately, a profesiogram is a document which sets out both internal and external work factors. It defines working conditions and a description of its subjective and objective qualities. At the same time, it identifies the qualities that the staff filling the position should possess.
This tool is also, an instrument that should be designed concisely and concretely. An arrangement of information should be implemented that helps us gather dynamic data that is easy to read and understand.
Usually, we can find the profesiogram in grid formats produced on spreadsheet software like Google Sheets, Excel, among others. Yet, we can also opt to use tables in word processors. In terms of document management, a profesiogram is an essential tool with various uses. These uses directly affect everything from the onboarding process to possible legal situations, such as a labor inspection.
Any HR department’s mission is to find the most qualified person to meet a company’s needs. Its many benefits include:
Before explaining how to create a HR profesiogram, we must indicate that the structure of any profesiogram can be very flexible and can adapt to certain interests. However, the following points must be met, and it should collect all this information:
All this information can be gathered and displayed in charts or a table. You should seek a way to make it understandable to anyone who reads it. As we mentioned earlier in this article, you can leverage some specialized software to design and construct the profesiogram. Remember, it is a vital and useful tool for companies.