Recruitment and Selection

All the 2.0 tools for personnel selection

The latest updates in 2.0 personnel selection tools will help you optimize your recruitment and hiring processes.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

tools personnel selection

5 of March, 2025

The management of human resources in any company has radically changed thanks to digitization. This process has led to the appearance of 2.0 tools for personnel selection. These are solutions that we can apply in the different stages of the personnel selection process, although recruitment and selection are the key stages. If used well, they will allow us to speed up the process while we sift through applications or track each candidate.

What are 2.0 tools for personnel selection?

Recruitment 2.0 is the evolution of conventional selection processes. Thus, when we talk about 2.0 tools for personnel selection we refer to the solutions used in the search for personnel using new technologies. In this way, it is easier to capture both active and passive talent. These are the main advantages of 2.0 tools for personnel selection:

  • Reduction of time and costs. Personnel selection processes are lengthy and expensive. Thanks to 2.0 tools, we can speed up the process, which will reduce the costs of the process itself and the losses caused by an unfilled vacancy.
  • Greater reach. Job offers published by the company reach further with the help of the internet. Not only do we publish them, but our contacts can share them too.
  • Passive candidates. In addition to increasing reach, 2.0 recruitment tools help reach passive candidates. They are not looking for work, but if they receive the right offer, they might consider changing companies.
  • Additional information. Recruitment 2.0 gives us information about the candidates that we do not find in the resumes. The digital footprint or big data allow us to obtain more data before making the hiring decision.
  • Segmentation of candidates. We can filter candidates by age range, experience, country, training, competence, etc. Thus, it will be easier to find the desired profile. It is also a way to create optimized employment databases.

Social networks

They are the best example of 2.0 tools for personnel selection. They allow us to reach all types of candidates, but also review each one’s digital footprint. LinkedIn is the most powerful professional network, specifically designed for the job world, but it is not the only solution. Facebook can be used to publicize the company, interact with potential candidates, announce events, etc. Something similar is allowed by Twitter and its dialogue with other users even if in few characters.

Within social networks, we can include blogs. They are the space where candidates generate and share all types of content, showing users their skills and knowledge. As with other social networks, they allow companies to firsthand get to know the hypothetical job candidate and follow their digital footprint. They are a space that we cannot overlook. And if not on blogs, in online forums we can find candidates with a very specific profile.

Recruitment and selection software

This is an integral tool that allows us to speed up recruitment and selection processes. On the one hand, it attracts applications and filters out those that meet our criteria and those that do not – recruitment. On the other hand, it allows us to track the selection process from a candidate’s file. With these tools, we can manage candidates or include the results of various evaluations they have undergone.

In the case of Sesame HR, the HR software with which we can supervise the status of each candidate in a clear and coordinated way. In fact, it allows us to identify the right candidate at a glance. How? Through the panel where the most prominent information of each of them appears, the scores given by HR or comments after meeting with them. In addition, it helps us create job pools with candidates for future selection processes.

Tests, games, and questionnaires

Here, the 2.0 tools for personnel selection allow us to design the tests that candidates must face. Among other things, they serve to analyze the work capacity under pressure or in a team of applicants for a job. Analyzing their performance in a simulation of the day-to-day they will find in the company will let us know if they are the ideal candidate or not.

Having virtual forms also allows us to get to know candidates more thoroughly. We can ask them about their experience, training, and skills, but also about their expectations related to the job they are applying for. Recruiters can quickly process the information obtained thanks to these solutions, saving a lot of time in analyzing each candidate one by one. This makes it easier to pre-select those who fit what we are looking for.

Your brand image

Finally, it should be noted that the brand image is an element to attract talent. Thanks to employer branding, we will gain a reputation that will make us an interesting place to work. In an ideal scenario, professionals will occasionally send their application to the company. They won’t do it attracted just by the financial offer, but also by the company’s value proposition. Thus, the commitment will be greater.

To handle these resources, the human resources department should have specialists in big data, social networks, or cybersecurity. Only then can we fully exploit the potential offered by 2.0 tools for personnel selection and detect all the talent that is waiting for us. Remember that every day that passes without the vacancy being covered is money that the company loses in the form of low productivity or overtime that must be paid to compensate for the absence, and that is something that we cannot afford.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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