Recruitment and Selection

Internal recruitment: how to relocate talent within the company

How to relocate talent within the company thanks to internal recruitment? Keep reading and you will discover what it consists of and what the best option is.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

internal recruitment

7 of March, 2025

Generally, we associate staff selection with external recruitment. But what about internal recruitment? It often is the forgotten one in recruitment and staff selection processes when it comes to a alternative with a great potential in the staff selection process. It’s about looking for outside what we have at home, being a quicker, more effective and economical solution to conventional staff recruitment. Let’s see how to relocate talent within the company thanks to internal recruitment.

What is internal recruitment

Before delving into the topic, it is convenient to define the concept of internal recruitment. It refers to the search for talent among people who already work within the company. Generally, it occurs through the relocation of talent, either in the form of promotion or horizontal movement. Another option for internal recruitment is the transfer of workers between the different branches or subsidiaries that the company may have, either in the same city or in different geographic environments.

How to develop internal recruitment

Really, the process of internal recruitment does not differ excessively from the procedures for external staff recruitment that we can develop in the organization. It is true that it will be somewhat simpler, especially in terms related to the management of applications; but the path is similar. Thus, the first step will be to identify the vacancy to be filled and the necessary requirements for it. This will allow us to draw the profile of the candidate who best fits this vacancy, and here two options open up.

On one hand, we can post the job offer on internal channels and wait for our employees to apply for the same. In this case, it will be necessary to apply a filter to screen applications and stay with the best. On the other hand, there is the option of contacting the candidate who can fit directly in the same and offer him the position. For this, it is essential that the human resources team has identified the employees who meet the requirements to successfully fill the vacancy.

Both options lead to the same place, a job interview that serves to confirm the candidate’s validity. If the result is satisfactory, we can proceed with the selection of the candidate and his relocation in the company. Keep in mind that, despite being part of the company, he will need time to adapt to his new position. However, we have the advantage that the relocated worker already knows the organization, the way of working, the internal procedures or the colleagues, bosses and subordinates he will have.

Sources of internal recruitment

One of the keys to staff recruitment in the company itself is knowing the sources of internal recruitment. Fortunately, we have access to various recruitment sources that will allow us to access the ideal candidate. Don’t forget that having an HR software such as Sesame HR will help you manage the different candidates with the rest of the human resources team or the company’s management.

Performance assessments

Through the performance evaluation we can identify hidden talent. Often we have workers with a special talent out of position, employees with great potential. If we use the performance evaluation well, we will be able to identify the skills and competence of these employees, relocating them in the future in a position that best fits their potential.

Internal talent databases

Whether it’s with current workers or former collaborators, internal talent databases are another interesting source of internal recruitment. For this reason, it is important to work on the candidate’s experience during the selection process and make a good offboarding when a worker leaves the organization. You never know when you’ll need him again.

Professional development plans

It’s likely that your company has professional development plans for employees. If we have worked on the training and capacity building of a worker to become a future leader, maybe it’s time to give him the opportunity to move on to the next stage. However, we must avoid promotions by seniority. If he’s not capable, don’t relocate him in the vacancy.

Intern talent: interns

This is a very interesting profile, as we have young talent that we know. When their performance is satisfactory and potential is detected in the short, medium and long term, why not give the interns a chance? Once the internship is over, we can offer them a contract. It’s another way to motivate both them and future interns.

Referral programs

It’s not a form of internal recruitment in the strict sense of the word, but it can be applied at the internal level. Referral programs consist of requesting recommendations of potential candidates from the staff. Our workers are the ones who will propose a name or provide their referral with the contact information with the company to present their candidacy.

This modality should help the employees to propose profiles that will fit with the way of working and what the organization is looking for. At the internal recruitment level, we can ask the workers to propose the ideal profile within the company to cover the vacancy. After all, they are the ones who best know the needs there are and the characteristics of their colleagues.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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