Recruitment and Selection

How to attract talent to your company?

Learn how you can attract talent to your company, retain that talent, and save costs in the long run. Keep reading.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

attract talent company

7 of March, 2025

Within the current business network, there is a hypercompetitive market context where companies compete to always have the best professionals on their team. For this reason, it is very important to attract talent to the company and, likewise, to put our greatest efforts to retain it.
The old reactive concept of job hunting is opening the doors to a scenario that demands high proactivity. This demand is made directly to companies for the hiring of new talents.

Today, with the help of a human resources software like Sesame you can implement various tools that will help you in your various tasks. One of these is the surveys that can be carried out on your workforce.

What is attracting talent to the company?

Talent acquisition is a process carried out by the HR department with the aim of finding highly trained personnel to assume certain responsibilities. These tasks are related to a specific job title. It is important not to confuse acquisition with selection, as Human Resources can capture 10 applicants for a position, but only one is selected for the vacancy.

The acquisition of talent can be related to the beginning of the HR office procedure. This procedure begins when we come across the need in the organization to increase the staff. It can also occur when there is some rest, resignation, or vacation of an employee. It is on any of these occasions when the requirement of a person with the best qualities to cover the position in question arises.

Today, attracting and retaining talent in companies are considered business strategies. This, due to the fact that, having a human capital ready to take on relevant challenges, results in the multiplication of competitiveness, productivity, and the financial resources of the company.

Importance of talent acquisition

  • New ways of attracting talent. Each passing day, organizations are more aware that talent acquisition cannot continue to be done the old way. The fact that there are now more candidates than available jobs hides a misleading reading. Through the selection processes to fill positions where qualified work is carried out is just where attracting talent acquires enormous importance.
  • Various ways to look for a job. Currently, technology opens the doors to candidates so that they can have at their disposal a large number of job search routes. We can find various digital tools where the company must use different means to disseminate its job offers. The result of this is a scenario in which the company must undertake an almost commercial task, focusing on a target audience and a deliverable.
  • New profiles in talent acquisition. The increase in market competitiveness has transformed parallel to a high offer of talents. Where professional profiles present various skills, very diverse among themselves. These profiles have nothing to do with the rigidity of the past, where most of them did not show complementary or mixed skills. Everyone knows that they were other times, where everything seemed to be more tabulated and there was less room for improvisation.

How to attract talent to the company?

  1. Spread your offer using good marketing. Marketing specialists make their products known by directly seeking their target audience. They do not try to advertise everywhere and then complain that the contacts that come to them are bad. You must optimize the channels where you can put your efforts with full confidence. If you know which channels work best for your offer, you will always know where to post your offers. In this way, you will have a greater guarantee of reaching the right people.
  2. Humanize job offers. When drafting the information for a job offer, do it as if you were explaining it directly to your ideal candidate. Imagine that you have it in front of you and that you must talk to him about the details of the project. It should be noted that the best candidates will ignore your offer if it is written in the third person.
  3. Treat your candidates the same way you treat your clients. This sounds like a cliché, but it is certain that your salespeople do not leave any emails from clients unanswered. The same must be applied with your candidates. Not only because they may be your future workers but because every individual has colleagues and friends. This is essential so that you do not get a bad reputation.
  4. Remove existing obstacles. Those candidates who can really help boost your company will not be willing to overcome any obstacles in the process of applying. We refer to all those obstacles that some recruitment ERP put that contain huge forms or that apply by sending their curriculum through an email address. Solve these problems and implement a tool that allows you to apply without investing much time. It is important that it can be used through any device.

Don’t limit yourself, strive to retain professionals

By following all these steps that we mentioned earlier, you can attract talent to the company in a safe and efficient way. However, once you have selected and hired the professionals that you needed, it is important that you continue to strive, but to retain them in your company. In the long run, you will realize that, by retaining talent, your organization will have considerable savings in time and costs. This, because you will not have to go through constant hiring and selection processes.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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