Performance & Culture

270 Degree Feedback: Definition, Pros and Cons

Do you know what is a 270 degree feedback? On this blog post we will see what is about and its pros and cons. Keep reading to discover!


Isabel García

HR Consultant

270 degree feedback definition pros and cons

30 of January, 2023

If you have to do performance appraisals, you must already know 270 degree feedback. From 90 to 360 degrees, there are a lot of choices you can have to prepare feedback for your employees.

In this article we will talk about the 270º feedback, what you should know regarding the data it can yield, your backup choices, and the necessary procedures. You will discover everything needed to do a great performance evaluation on your company. Let’s start.

What Is 270 Degree Feedback?

A 270 degree feedback involves the line manager, associates, and coworkers all rating the employee’s performance. Feedback is gathered from three distinct reviewers for this style of performance evaluation.

The outcomes need to make it easier for the business to learn more about how each employee is progressing and what they are contributing to it. Three different sources rate an employee’s performance and development opportunities as part of the performance management technique known as 270 degree feedback.

It is similar to 360 degree feedback in that it solicits comments from peers, bosses, and coworkers from different departments.

Positions and Evaluation of a 270 Degree Feedback

Knowing the tasks and responsibilities of your professionals is a necessity. It is a prerequisite for conducting a 270 degree feedback analysis of the performance of your staff. Due to the fact that the results of the job may be accurately measured in this manner.

Knowing exactly what needs to be done by your collaborator will enable the guidance they need. Moreover, it enables the requirement of the abilities and skills necessary for the job.

The manager may define objectives and duties appropriately once the positions and functions have been identified through 270º feedback. Errors in project implementation are therefore reduced to a minimum.

The Three Parts of The 270 Degree Feedback

Performance reviews, such as the 270 degree feedback, are frequently built around three components to get outcomes. Check out each of these actions and put them into practice in your daily life.

First part

In the beginning, you must pay close attention to how your pros behave. Consider matters like posture, evolution, boundaries, and relationships with the team.

To help the employees’ performance in some manner, always seek to give frequent feedback.

Second part

The second component of a successful performance evaluation is related to detecting mistakes and issues with task execution and requires managerial abilities.

More than that, it is crucial to be there for your staff members to turn around challenging circumstances, keep them engaged, and inspire them every day.

Third part

Interview people for brief amounts of time to allow you to present your analysis of the professional progress.

By having an open discussion, you may determine whether the collaborator is actually going to outdo himself or if he has reached his breaking point for a particular assignment.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of the 270 Degree Feedback

There are benefits and drawbacks to 270 degree feedback, just like any other form of performance evaluation. It is crucial to be forceful in your analysis if you know what should and should not be done with your professionals.

Advantages of 270 degree feedback

The 270 degree feedback has the following benefits:

  • It is adaptable to the needs and goals of the business.
  • It enables the company to see the employee’s assets and limitations.
  • Culture and employee engagement are built when the employee is better aware of what is expected.
  • The parties acquire crucial data that helps them assess how well the measures work.
  • The organization purchases a route map to assist in making business decisions.
  • This approach lends business legitimacy.
  • The company’s interest in enhancing performance and encouraging professional development is shown through review systems.
  • Employee development potential such as career progression.
  • More attention to detail in developing the company’s strategies.
  • Rapid problem solving.
  • Evaluation of the team’s abilities throughout the long, medium, and short terms.
  • Task delegation is simple.


There are several things you need to be aware of if, on the one hand, businesses use various methods, such the 270º feedback, to try to enhance performance.

As a result, we focused on performance appraisal’s key drawbacks.

  1. Time of application: To ensure that everyone on the team participates, managers must devote a lot of time and effort to a performance review. Planning and arranging for this might take a lot of time. Considering that the procedure will take the firm a long time and is sluggish;
  2. Personal Relationship: A professional may be moved by emotion while making an individual assessment, pointing out many flaws in an employee that he dislikes or praising someone with whom he has a closer bond. A performance evaluation must thus be fair and logical;
  3. Complexity: Performance review is a complicated process involving many individuals since it entails several positions and strategies in particular. For instance, the 270 degree evaluation and the 360 degree assessment include feedback from management, employees, and, in the case of the 360 models, even consumers;
  4. Negative feedback: Poorly planned performance analyses will demotivate the employee. Therefore, consider your words before speaking.

The Power of 270 Degree Feedback in The Company

The 270º feedback positively affects managers’ and workers’ professional development.

It is simpler to recognize issues and come up with solutions when a growth plan is in place, along with defined goals and objectives on the company’s end.

The management must bear in mind while applying 270 degree feedback that the primary goal of this performance study is to minimize tasks and boost effectiveness.

A thorough analysis may give managers and executives a comprehensive understanding of the business, including its advantages and disadvantages, and open up opportunities for growth.

In this 270 degree feedback, it will be simpler to address staff complaints and errors, maintaining a high level of motivation and lowering turnover rates.


A 270º feedback can be an excellent model of performance appraisal for your company, if made the right way. There are many ways to give feedback, but using technology to help is always your best choice.

Sesame HR can be the solution for when it is time to do such evaluations, thanks to the performance evaluation solution present within the software. You will be able to launch questionnaires and gather the answer on one single platform.

It is very simple and easy to use, and you can try a free 14-day trial to experience it for yourself. Of course, if what you seek is to know everything related to human resources, just keep reading our blog!

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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