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Create performance review reports with Sesame

Obtaining data on the work productivity of each employee and the number of hours and workers committed to each project allows companies to analyze parameters such as resource optimization or profitability, which are essential for company growth. For this, Sesame’s human resources software and its task management functionality provide you with a complete productivity tool […]


Isabel García

HR Consultant

create performance review reports Sesame

17 of October, 2022

Obtaining data on the work productivity of each employee and the number of hours and workers committed to each project allows companies to analyze parameters such as resource optimization or profitability, which are essential for company growth. For this, Sesame’s human resources software and its task management functionality provide you with a complete productivity tool for the creation of work performance review reports in a simple way.

What are performance review reports? 

They are documents that contain information about all employees’ quality and productivity. These two aspects are essential for company growth. By being able to measure these indicators, HR teams can assess workers and place them in the position that best suits them. 

Depending on the strategy followed by each company, having access to this type of performance reports on a quarterly or annual basis will help strengthen weaknesses and maintain a good working environment.

What performance review reports can I create with Sesame?

Sesame’s performance reports will help us adequately monitor tasks and projects performed by our company’s employees.

As an administrator, you can create all the reports you want filtered by employees, departments, customers or specific projects. In a few steps, you will be able to obtain reports with valuable information filtered as you wish. You can download reports about the time spent on each task or project, comments or meetings. Let us show you how!

Steps to create work performance reports with Sesame

You can log in to your Sesame account and follow these steps to be able to create your own work performance reports.

In the left vertical menu of the admin dashboard, go to the “Tasks” tab where you will see the list of employee tasks.

After this, if we select the “Reports” tab in the top horizontal menu, we can group the tasks by employee or by project in the period of time we need to check (today, yesterday, this week, this month…).

Finally, you just have to select the filters (drop-down) you want to check in the top horizontal menu (departments, employees, projects, customers, managers, tags) and click on the “Export tasks” button.

As you can see, creating work performance reports with Sesame is very easy and will help you create reports of the tasks and projects your employees are working on, in order to continuously improve your business productivity.

Don’t wait any longer and draw conclusions quickly with Sesame’s HR software performance management system.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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