HR Software

Features and importance of teamwork

There are a series of key characteristics of teamwork that make it a wise choice when it comes to innovating and creating large projects.


Isabel García

HR Consultant

features teamwork

5 of February, 2025

The definition of teamwork applies to any combination of two or more employees aiming to achieve a series of business objectives. Depending on the nature of each project, it is recommended that each member assumes part of the work, and the workload is equitably distributed.

The vision of teamwork is fundamental, if one person takes 2 hours to complete a task, how long would it take with the assistance of two others? Basically, two of the features of teamwork are that it reduces the time of action and increases the results because different perspectives can be obtained. But, there are many more advantages to be gained from working together with several professional profiles, join us and find out.

The importance of teamwork

Teamwork is perfect when everyone’s strengths are utilized. In this sense, it is essential that each performs a role according to their abilities and professional competencies. And as a starting point, we can confirm to you that teamwork improves the organization of the company.

The importance of teamwork is that it is associated with improving levels of occupational stress, sharing responsibilities and worries so that each team member is more motivated and free when performing work and when solving any problem.

9 Characteristics of teamwork

For the job performance to be good within the organization, it is important to divide the departments or areas into collaborative work groups that reduce efforts and simplify the tasks to be undertaken. Following are the main characteristics of teamwork that make this work mode relevant today, pay special attention:

1. Leadership

There is always a role in the team that guides and leads to directing the team, expressing the most important items so that the whole team works with the information and in the same sense. This role is responsible for distributing the workload among employees in a way that each assumes the role they best know how to fulfil, and the work is divided equitably.

2. Homogeneity of your team

If you have very diverse professional profiles, it’s important to exploit the potential of each of the talents you have to maximize productivity and efficiency.

3. Communication

Planning and organizing brainstorming and face-to-face meetings or remote meetings with a team that works from home are key to properly guiding the work. This way, all team members are up-to-date on the status of the project, in which phase and at what time each must contribute their part.

Therefore, one of the essentials features of teamwork is fluid and transparent internal communication in both directions. You should also have other communication channels enabled, such as email or other tools that favor collaborative work and the exchange of opinions.

4. Trace objectives beforehand

In teamwork, a project aims to achieve several objectives within a time frame and a goal to reach, involving all professional profiles working towards the same end.

5. Planning

Having a plan or a strategy when undertaking a project ensures that the stages and steps are better defined, providing the resources, the means and each of the team members. There are several methodologies for work project management, like the Kanban method, the MoSCoW matrix, or the agile workflow in project management.

Don’t forget that while the team leader or project manager is responsible for planning, it’s vital to reflect your workers’ ideas and remain flexible to changes or improvements.

6. Creativity

If you’re seeking big solutions and ideas, teamwork helps generate brainstorming sessions to find those that best fit each project and its needs. If you want to boost creativity, bet on teamwork.

7. Share decision-making

Involving team members in decision-making at every stage grants greater autonomy and independence, and empowers employees. By doing so, they feel their professional opinion is valid, feeling involved and increasing their level of commitment to the team and company. What more could you ask for?

8. Celebrate records

If you want to increase the sense of belonging and motivation, enjoy group successes and records with rewards.

9. Evaluate teamwork

Through job climate surveys, performance evaluation surveys, or 360-degree surveys, and much more, you can find out the opinion of your employees and know how team work and superiors are functioning. With a HR software like Sesame, you can send queries about job climate and improve aspects that can enhance both team and individual work.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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