HR Software

Why HR automation is more important than ever

The automation of human resources is essential to be able to dedicate resources to other personnel management tasks that add value to the company.


Isabel García

HR Consultant

HR automation

19 of February, 2025

In the thick of the digital era, process automation is the order of the day. It’s the best way to take full advantage of available company resources. Among the processes that can be automated, we have HR automation as an indispensable requirement to stay competitive.

Automating human resources procedures is more important than ever. Many of the tasks performed in this department are very repetitive.

Being able to automate HR processes allows us to save time, work, and effort. Thus, the team focuses on the functions that add value to the company.

What is HR automation

To understand why it is so important to automate this department, we must comprehend what human resources automation is.

It involves using technology to speed up the completion of repetitive tasks. This way, we save time and prevent human errors. They are minimized.

In this way, we manage to improve the efficiency and productivity of human resources.

The fact of reducing the margin of error to the maximum also saves us investing time and resources -human, but also economic- in solving them. The company has limited resources, and it is always preferable to invest them in what adds value.

One of the determining resources in human talent processes is the use of human resources software like Sesame RH.

This type of tool automates human resources processes efficiently. They are really easy to use, and they make a difference by automating various procedures.

Advantages of automating HR processes

We can identify up to six powerful reasons to automate our HR processes. The first one, improving efficiency.

We have already mentioned that it allows us to save time and avoid repetitive procedures. We have also mentioned that it allows reducing and eliminating human errors.

We obtain an overall view of human talent process data. This is probably the main reason to opt for HR automation, identifying trends and patterns.

To this is added the reinforcement of internal communication, as it improves teamwork and worker knowledge.

The sum of all this results in a better employee experience. It improves the working environment; employees know what we expect from them, and we can help them grow.

Even when discarded, the candidate experience is enhanced. Finally, process automation involves a lower cost in paper processing.

Which HR processes can be automated?

A key aspect in HR automation is knowing which human resources processes you can automate.

As you well know, talent and workforce management is the sum of several processes. And practically all of them can be optimized thanks to automation:

  • Recruitment and selection: automation allows applications to be filtered and discards those candidates who do not meet what is sought. It facilitates contact and monitoring of candidates. It also helps inform them about the result of their application.
  • Hours control: legally, we are obliged to keep a record of the hours control and save the data. HR software allows us to automate this control from clocking in. In addition, it facilitates its monitoring both in teleworking and when there is a flexible schedule.
  • Holidays, days off, and absences: HR automation allows us to manage these issues more efficiently. With one click, employees can request a day off or vacations. They can also provide absence justifications. HR only needs to review and validate these requests.
  • Payroll management: it is one of the most complex HR processes. We can collect each worker’s personal information, automate dispatching, etc. In addition, we take into account the overtime worked or absences.
  • Onboarding: the incorporation process is crucial for a good experience. It includes many repetitive tasks, automating them will help us. The same goes for offboarding.
  • Employee evaluation: it allows analyzing the performance of workers. Through surveys and evaluations, we obtain very interesting information.
  • HR indicators: we can use the data collected to obtain reports and information about human resources. Auto report generation will help us with HR indicators.

Other HR automation processes

These are the main human resources processes that can be automated.

However, there are other aspects that we should not lose sight of. For example, employee training and employee development. Automation facilitates employee access to these processes.

Training is one of the staff’s demands. It is a way to grow, to develop in a job. As a result, it helps us retain talent and reinforce commitment to the company.

Without automation, these processes would not be as efficient.

Also, expense control can be managed through automation.

Another aspect from which we can benefit is electronic or digital signature. It gives us the possibility of signing documents quickly and 100% securely. This includes signing contracts or payrolls without having to be present.

Believe it or not, HR automation contributes to building company culture. It helps us enhance internal communication, making it more transparent. It should be a resource to break down barriers between employees and their superiors.

Facilitating contact between colleagues, whether horizontally or vertically, is essential for success. HR automation through solutions like Sesame HR helps us integrate these functions. Communicating about any topic will be much easier than before automation.

Audit and control of human resources

Another reason to bet on HR automation is that it contributes to a more efficient audit and control of human resources.

Without going any further, we can exercise control of spending. Or analyze the time the staff invests in completing assigned tasks.

In this process of audit and control of HR includes the evaluation of human resources and its management. Key aspects when it comes to retaining talent. Is the Human Resources team working correctly? What are its strengths and weaknesses? Sensitive information that your company needs.

For example, by automating the onboarding process we will know why workers choose us to work. And by automating the offboarding, we will be able to detect patterns that reveal why talent is leaking.

Without HR automation, it would be much more difficult to complete this objective.

Evaluation of human resources

Let’s focus on an essential function for the human resources team. Evaluating and managing talent is key if we want the company to prosper.

Conducting performance evaluations periodically is just the first step. Resorting to people analytics will make the difference with our competitors.

We will not tire of repeating that human resources automation allows us to identify the trends and behaviors in our workforce.

But also to identify its deficiencies or its strengths. That’s why having help of this kind allows us to make the best decisions backed by data and the best information.

Finally, it is worth noting once again that HR automation helps us to enhance corporate culture. Surely your main competitors have chosen it.

HR automation and competitiveness

We said at the beginning that automating human resources is synonymous with agility and resource optimization. But it will also help us to be more competitive. If you look around, you’ll see that your most prominent competitors have already taken the leap. Do you want to stay behind or prefer to be at their height?

It’s enough to compare traditional HR processes with automated ones to realize the importance of HR automation.

The end of tedious and repetitive processes also brings relief to personnel. And not just for those who work in the human resources team.

Automation allows us to enhance the most outstanding aspects of the company. Not to mention the savings in resources, whether it’s time, effort or even economic resources.

Consequently, we consolidate our corporate culture. Performance improves, reinforcing internal communication and trust.

We can’t forget that HR automation gives us global access to information.

It will be easier for us to detect potential failures, and process improvements will be easier to implement. This will all result in greater competitiveness in all company departments.

You know, now is the time to bet on HR automation. If you want to know more about the topic, we invite you to continue reading related articles on the Sesame HR blog. There, you will discover how our software helps you automate your HR management.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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