Practical guide for welcoming new staff members
Here is the welcome guide for newly hired staff that will facilitate all onboarding processes for your company.
Here is the welcome guide for newly hired staff that will facilitate all onboarding processes for your company.
Marcos Lopez
HR Consultant
14 of February, 2025
The arrival of new faces in a company is always good news. It means the company is growing and incorporating talent. However, it also brings significant challenges. One of the most noticeable challenges is easing the integration of new employees into workteams that have been functioning for a while.
If we can successfully combine the new elements, the integration process will be a success. However, if we fail to do so, we will face a problem. This is where it becomes necessary to have a welcome guide for new staff as part of the onboarding process.
When we talk about an employee welcome manual, we’re discussing a document created by the organization to facilitate and expedite the adaptation process. Each person may adapt at their own pace, but having such a document helps shorten the learning curve. The goal is that on the first day of work, the new hire knows what to expect in their new job. Fortunately, more and more companies are recognizing the importance of having this kind of aid for their new employees.
Among other things, the employee is informed of the bureaucratic proceedings and values of the company. In a way, they are explained how the day-to-day operations take place in the company and in their particular role. As you may know, onboarding is not something we can leave for last. The sooner it starts, the sooner the adaptation process will be completed. That’s why the new staff welcome guide is usually delivered a few days before the first day of work. By doing this, the employee feels more engaged, reinforcing their sense of belonging.
This document is part of the company’s onboarding plan, so each organization structures it according to their needs. However, there are a number of elements that must not be missing from the employee welcome manual. We’re talking about the key contents to make the integration of new hires truly effective, without wasting time. It’s important to start with a table of contents to allow the new employee to quickly find the information they are interested in.
The new employee welcome guide should start with a greeting from the company’s CEO or manager to the new employee. The welcome message from the head of the workteam where the new hire will carry out their duties can also be included. It should be brief, no longer than one page (or slide, when done in person). A standard greeting will not suffice; it should inspire and motivate the new hires to do their best for the company.
If an employee agrees to work for our company, in 99% of the cases they will know what the company does. However, it is still interesting to include a company presentation. And what better way to start than with the beginning: a historical overview with information about the company’s origins, trajectory, and milestones. It can be accompanied by a dossier with the current name, corporate image, the portfolio of products or services, locations, departments, target audiences, suppliers, and any other information that may be of interest.
The history of the company cannot be understood without its corporate values. Here we have two options, both equally valid. On one hand, we can define the company’s values. On the other hand, there’s the possibility that the company wants to reorient itself. Often times, we decide to renew the workforce in search of values that our current team cannot reach. In this case, it is necessary to present the values that the organization wants to achieve so that the new employees are aware of the goal.
This is a key chapter in the new employee welcome guide, as it includes the bulk of the information. Here are some of the highlights:
Last but not least, it’s important to cover issues related to the position the employee will be occupying. Aspects such as IT tools (accessibility and usage) are crucial, especially when it comes to digital onboarding. It’s also important to discuss workplace hazard prevention and employee training opportunities at the company. This way, through the new employee welcome guide, we establish the different internal communication channels the employee will have access to.
Having human resources software like Sesame HR facilitates the preparation of the new employee welcome guide. A program of this kind is your best ally in the onboarding process, and through tools such as onboarding checklists we ensure that no aspect is overlooked. Remember the importance of personalizing each guide for each new hire. It’s the best way to ensure that employees are engaged from minute one.