Performance & Culture

How to Deal With Negative Employees in Your Company

Having problems with negative employees at your company? Learn how to deal and improve to a positive environment. Keep reading!


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

How to deal with negative employees

12 of January, 2023

Negative employees or workers may spread negativity more quickly than you think inside a workgroup or team. Companies that frequently encourage genuine cohesion and camaraderie among their staff have the best results.

For employers to create an inspiring environment that staff members like, it is crucial to nurture these beneficial interactions.

This article describes the importance of dealing with negative employees, how to do so, and workplace improvement advice. You will see that simple solutions like launching surveys can be very helpful. Lets start!

Why is it important to deal with negative employees?

Maintaining a good workplace for all negative employees requires addressing issues related to them. Negative attitudes generated among such workers can contribute to workplace distractions. Most importantly, negative employees can contribute to a toxic work environment in you company.

Negativity can lower productivity and lower morale among workers. Instead of enabling problems to worsen, you should resolve conflicts among coworkers as soon as they arise.

The atmosphere of a company will impact the working environment in numerous ways, including:

  • Employee motivation: Negative employees are more inclined to show up for work each day and provide their best efforts when they appreciate their employment and the individuals they collaborate with. They might undermine this drive.
  • Job satisfaction: Feeling backed up, safe, and at ease at work is key to employee happiness. Negative employees may diminish these lovely sentiments.
  • Employee focus: Negative employees will have to divert their focus to tasks and obligations. Instead of talking about work, an employee can dominate the conversation.

How to deal with negative employees

The following are the measures for dealing with negative employees:


Before reacting, pay attention when a worker confides in you about a negative employee. What one person considers negativity can be a misunderstanding or a distinction in personality types or communication preferences.

Note the issue in great detail, and express gratitude to the negative employee for being so forthright. Aim to refrain from making promises about specific activities or outcomes.

Research the situation

Find out additional information before interacting with a negative employee. Obtain a variety of viewpoints from other coworkers who collaborate with the individual.

Ask open-ended questions that allow the negative employees to express their thoughts if you want honest responses from them.

Address the issue directly

Set up a meeting with the negative employees if you see negative behavior from them. Be ready to clarify your findings with concrete instances from your experience and other workers, but you should keep their identities confidential.

It would be best to discuss how long the problems have existed and how they have influenced the business, employees, and stakeholders.

Avoid accusations

Avoid openly criticizing negative employees for unfavorable qualities like selfishness or rudeness. Instead, you may ask why they believe that others become inconvenienced by their actions.

It is crucial to listen to understand the negative employee’s perspective actively. After more consideration, negative employees can comprehend how their remarks or behaviors are wrong.

Negative employees also attribute their pessimism to challenging life circumstances, which gives them a chance to offer resources and assistance. A negative employee’s mood at work has to improve by knowing that the organization values its workers.

While reassuring the pessimistic workers that you would do all in your power to assist, emphasize that they must carry out their responsibilities entirely and correctly. As they deal with difficulties away from work, inquire whether they require time off or a leave of absence.

Provide alternate courses of action

You can criticize how negative employees could act in similar circumstances by using instances of undesirable behavior. Describe the company’s basic principles and show how they might encourage or discourage them through their actions.

Offer positive statements

Praise negative employees for their successes rather than focusing the entire discussion on difficult conduct. For instance, the negative employee could possess excellent organizing abilities and often submit work ahead of schedule.

Reiterate company policy

Utilizing an employee handbook or policy document might be useful in dealing with negative employees. This might be an example of the company’s rules on certain activities and the appropriate remedial actions.

Such consequences as meeting with a direct supervisor, outlining an improvement plan, and reviewing the problem in 30 days will be in the negative employee handbook as consequences for persistently bad attitudes.

Pessimistic workers may not feel singled out if you use these policies to guide your reaction. Every negative employee have to treated fairly following the correct process since its crucial.

Avoid gossip

Be careful not to disseminate rumors or negative sentiments in your conversations with staff. If discussions regarding the negative employees on issue become accusatory rather than factual, remind all of them of the company’s policy on unhelpful conduct. 

Remain impartial and open-minded. It is important to keep track of your company’s internal communication to avoid gossip dissemination.

Tips for maintaining a positive workplace

Here are some ideas to assist you in creating a joyful, effective workplace:

Reward positive attitudes and teamwork

Negative employees that exhibit the organization’s fundamental principles or go above and above in their work or attitude deserve praise. You may design a system that allows them to commend one another for good work.

Consider sending an email or a little contribution to publicize these deeds.

Remind employees of company policies

Several negative employees could act in a specific way just because they are unaware they should not. Regularly review the expectations, beliefs, and policies of the organization.

Consider employing role-playing and interactive dialogues to encourage workers to reflect critically on their thoughts and behaviors.

Encourage openness

Foster an environment where negative employees can communicate honestly and openly with one another and with management. Addressing problems when they are little and maybe averting bigger ones this aids staff personnel.

In these times of crisis and ambiguity, many dissatisfied workers doubt their career decisions, particularly if they work for an organization that doesn’t care about their needs.

Negative employees who have a bad experience may decide to leave for other chances. This causes businesses to lose talent that will be hard to replace, as well as first-hand knowledge and consumer insight that will be lost when it is most needed.

Technology can help

New additions to every company’s human resources toolkit include managing employment experience. Various digital options are available to gauge negative employee satisfaction.

For addressing negative workers, for instance, you can generate surveys with Sesame HR’s survey software in only 5 minutes and receive feedback immediately. This will give data and a better understanding of how your employees feel and take the right action to resolve them.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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