Performance & Culture

Performance evaluation report characteristics

A performance evaluation report is used as an instrument to monitor the tasks performed by the employees of an organization. Therefore, special attention to detail must be put when making these reports. Above all, in how it is written to encourage a positive attitude among the company’s employees. For this, it is convenient to have […]


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

performance evaluation report

14 of October, 2022

A performance evaluation report is used as an instrument to monitor the tasks performed by the employees of an organization. Therefore, special attention to detail must be put when making these reports. Above all, in how it is written to encourage a positive attitude among the company’s employees. For this, it is convenient to have a guide to improve your  employees’ productivity.

If you have trouble writing it, you can use a specialized computer program to create it. With Sesame HR, for example, you can create all kinds of HR reports in a matter of minutes. You only need to have certain information at hand. This way, the digital tool will be able to process the data and create the report. And finally, you will achieve the automation and systematization of your human resources activities.

What is a performance evaluation?

A performance evaluation is the system that comprehensively and objectively measures different aspects of an employee’s performance. These include: professional conduct, performance, skills and productivity. In a few words, what employees are like, what they do and what they achieve with what they do.

In the past, performance evaluation reports were used to assess the level of compliance with expectations and goals. However, the concept itself and the methods used have changed over the time to add other aspects. Some of these are: skills, abilities, responsibility, work relationship with colleagues and any other variables related to performance.

What is it for?

It is essential that the performance review instrument measures all professional parameters. In addition to this, this information must be used by the company, either to optimize productivity, resolve conflicts or to train the employee.

  • Evaluate the potential and performance of employees.
  • Anticipate integration problems of a worker within the business structure or in a specific project.
  • Determine both the weaknesses and failures, as well as the successes and strengths of each employee.
  • Relationships with colleagues and quality of work.
  • Evaluate the employee’s contribution to the company, if they really provide value to the entity with their ideas and activities.

Characteristics of a performance evaluation report

As it is a tool whose purpose is to analyze the performance of employees, we need to be careful with the information that is included. We must also pay special attention to the way in which the information is organized. In addition to this, it is also essential that the report is properly identified within the organization and that it has the correct data of the employee.

The most relevant data that a performance evaluation report must contain are the following:

  • Company information. In this type of report you must include the company data such as company name, telephone number and address.
  • Employee data. In the same way you must include information about the worker. Name, telephone number, identification number and the position held in the company, among others.
  • Reference legend. Generally, these types of reports are prepared using the evaluation technique in which a letter is used to measure each point. In other words, before making the report, you must place the legend of what each specific letter means.
  • Areas by departments. These areas are what make up the report. There are three commonly used: social area, technical area and personal area. Each of these areas will have a list of competencies that will be analyzed with the corresponding letters. 
  • Information about the evaluator. At the end of the evaluation the information of the evaluator must be specified. This individual will be the one to sign the job performance report. These data must include: name, position and signature of the, as well as the date on which the report was completed.

Evaluation computer system

A performance evaluation system or software is a tool that allows you to collect reliable data about the job performance in a company. This program uses various indicators to offer a precise graph on the performance of the workforce or any employee in particular. In short, it offers multiple data on the job performance of each worker separately. A good HR software, like Sesame, has the ability to produce performance appraisal reports while managing many other processes. Your human resources department can be optimized and become more productive with this software.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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