Performance & Culture

The importance of measuring work climate

A happy team is more motivated and productive, and at Sesame we know that. We checked the importance of measuring the work climate through our tool, employee surveys. With this, you can collect feedback from workers so that your human resources department can make improvements. Creating a pleasant and friendly work environment for your workers […]


Isabel García

HR Consultant

work climate

14 of October, 2022

A happy team is more motivated and productive, and at Sesame we know that. We checked the importance of measuring the work climate through our tool, employee surveys. With this, you can collect feedback from workers so that your human resources department can make improvements.

Creating a pleasant and friendly work environment for your workers instantly makes communication flow, improves the company culture and makes your employees speak well of your brand beyond your offices.

What is work climate?

Work climate is the perception that employees have about the company. It has to do with their way of socializing, the resources available to them, and also the decisions and the way the company acts, that is, how its corporate culture works.

A good organizational climate influences the mood of the team, which translates into more productivity, and therefore better results for the company. The best way to measure it is through work climate surveys.

The different types of employee surveys allow us to measure employee satisfaction. They are usually carried out periodically with the help of an HR software to create a work environment or HR surveys, so that both the human resources department and the management team can detect trends, implement improvements and measure the pulse of the company.

“Organizations that make the most of human potential are like pure-line speedboats. They fly past rivals who are floundering due to cracks in workplace experiences.” A GREAT PLACE TO WORK, MICHAEL C. BUSH

Advantages of measuring the environment at work

These are the benefits of promoting a good working environment within your company:

  • Help build and improve company culture.
  • Detect needs and trends, and thus you can anticipate problems such as demotivation of workers or dissatisfaction with their employment situation.
  • Obtain valuable information about the situation of your company through the analysis of the results.
  • You can make decisions based on real and updated data.
  • Employees feel heard, which increases their feeling of belonging and they get more involved.
  • It encourages the development of teams, since it is easier to detect needs such as workload, training.

Why are work climate questionnaires important?

Because they allow you to find out how things are working in your company. It is the best way to check if the work dynamics are the most convenient, if the work teams are motivated, if relationships between employees are good and, in short, if they have the resources they need to carry out their work well.

Carrying out this diagnosis helps to better understand your workers, so that you can save time and focus your efforts on meeting needs and solving real problems. This will allow you to better adapt to changes in your company and in your team.

How to make a job survey with Sesame

There are work survey templates in excel that are useful to measure the motivation of your teams, but it will take you a long time to unify answers.

If you want to analyze the results quickly, we recommend using a human resources software such as Sesame. With the “surveys” functionality you can quickly create job questionnaires, send them to your employees instantly or schedule their delivery, and receive the answers in real time on a dashboard where you can see trends.

Keys to create a work environment questionnaire

When planning our labor survey, the first thing we have to think about is what information we want to obtain from our employees, that is, the type of labor survey that we need to carry out. This will help us to set goals, based on which part of the workforce we send the survey to, what we want to ask and what format would be the most suitable for our company.

There are many approaches that you can take to your questionnaires. Our recommendation is that you adapt them to the worker’s profile (department, experience, training…) when asking the questions and choosing the best format. When you carry out a survey with Sesame HR you can propose text answers, short answers, validation by stars, by mood, numerical, etc.

Finally, analyze the results and act accordingly. If employees see that their contributions have no impact, they will stop giving us feedback and we will lose valuable information.

Are you ready to check the work environment of your company?

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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