Performance & Culture

Boost flexibility in the workplace with these 4 tips

Flexibility is an essential feature of modern companies. Check out our best tips to boost workplace flexibility and reap all its benefits.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

Increase workplace flexibility with these tips

25 of February, 2021

Flexibility is an important feature of the modern workplace. Nowadays, employees expect to enjoy a certain level of freedom in their job. And they, in turn, have to show their ability to adapt to a changing work environment. This has become even truer with the COVID-19 pandemic. Uncertainty is now something that every worker and every business have to deal with, so flexibility is more valued than ever.

However, there are many other advantages in improving flexibility at your company. In this article, you will find the best tips to boost your workplace flexibility.

What is workplace flexibility?

Flexibility is the ability to quickly adapt to changing or unexpected circumstances. In the workplace, flexibility is required both from the employer and the employees. For employees, flexibility means:

  • Being able to adopt the company’s working methods;
  • Responding well to last-minute changes;
  • Rapidly finding solutions to unforeseen problems.

For employers, providing a flexible work environment means:

  • Listening to their employees’ input regarding the way the company functions;
  • Being mindful of their staff’s most common needs and aspirations and trying to meet them;
  • Seeking to accommodate each worker’s specific needs, within reason.

Why improve your workplace flexibility?

There are many reasons why you might want to ensure optimal levels of flexibility in your company. Workplace flexibility brings many benefits,

  • Flexibility is one of the factors influencing productivity in the workplace. Indeed, employees who are granted sufficient autonomy and liberties tend to be more productive and efficient.
  • Because they feel respected as professionals, they develop a higher sense of satisfaction with their job, which results in a reduced turnover rate. This also helps improve your employer brand.
  • The mutual trust that is required and cultivated by a flexible work environment contributes to a healthy atmosphere within the company.

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How to boost workplace flexibility?

Introduce flexible schedules

A flexible schedule means that employees can choose at what time they arrive at work, and at what time leave, as long as they complete the required hours. This comes in particularly handy for employees with young children or other family obligations. It also reduces stress, since employees won’t have to worry about arriving at a precise time anymore. Consider using Sesame’s time tracking software to enable your workers to clock in and out with a single click.

Offer remote work possibilities

If remote work is possible, you should offer this possibility to your employees. Indeed, they will appreciate not having to spend time commuting. Besides, it will increase the mutual trust between employer and employees. If you allow your workers to work from home, make sure to check out our best tips for remote work.

Consider part-time arrangements

Full-time work is not for everyone. Some employees might prefer to work part-time in order to have the time to tend to various obligations. You can agree on the schedule that works best for you and for them – this could be a flexible schedule. That way, you get the keep the talent you need while providing them with the flexibility that the employee needs.

Hire freelancers

Freelancers are the ultimate flexible workforce. You should carefully consider the pros and cons before turning to freelancers, but in some cases this can be a great way to get your work done while remaining flexible.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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