Recruitment and Selection

Benefits of a strategic recruitment and selection plan

Implement a strategic recruitment and selection plan to anticipate employee needs and retain talent.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

Benefits strategic recruitment

4 of March, 2025

One of the fundamental tasks of the human resources department is the search for talent. For this, the company will have a strategic recruitment and selection plan that guides the hiring policy. Just as it happens with sales planning or the purchase of resources and raw materials, recruitment is a strategic factor for the company.

Designing a plan and following it is the best way to get the right talent for the organization. If we do not have this document, the hiring policy can be chaotic.

Strategic recruitment plan

The strategic recruitment and selection plan is the strategy with which we will identify the current and future needs of human capital. These needs are related to the objectives of the organization, so this plan is connected with the general plan of the company. Human resources managers will have to design a specific personnel recruitment plan for the company to enjoy all the talent it needs. It not only affects recruitment, it is a strategy that also looks at training and internal promotion.

Therefore, in our strategic recruitment and selection plan we cannot lose sight of the short, medium and long term future. Circumstances may force us to make a temporary or specific hire at a certain point, but everything will be better when we hire based on a specific plan. Furthermore, when you have this plan, the organization will be prepared for extraordinary recruitments such as work peaks or the departure of a collaborator.

Addressing the needs of human talent

Undoubtedly, the main advantage of having a strategic recruitment and selection plan is that it allows us to face any need for human capital the organization may have. These are long processes, where multiple factors intervene. Among the responsibilities of the human resources team is to write an attractive job offer and publicize it. They also have to face the evaluation of applications among the resumes received and interview the right candidates.

Behind this process, it is essential to have a recruitment strategy that lays the foundations of the process. Knowing the needs is vital to get the selection right. When preparing the recruitment plan, it is essential to take into account the result of staff evaluations. Are there any profiles that are not covered? Which departments need to be strengthened? Within this chapter, the training of workers is also added.

Employee training

Not everything will be looking for talent on the outside, internal talent can be boosted. Therefore, in the strategic recruitment plan we will take into account the training procedures. In this way, we ensure that workers perform their tasks following the guidelines or needs of the company. When preparing the strategy, a training program plan will have to be designed that allows us to provide our staff with those necessary skills for their future success.

Anticipation in recruitment needs

We have previously mentioned that recruitment needs can be the result of an unforeseen event. The arrival of new projects that increase the workload, the departure of a worker, a long-term leave… These are scenarios where the company will need to strengthen to maintain productivity. The strategic recruitment and selection plan will set the protocols to deal with these situations. It will also allow us to know the future hiring needs, for example for campaigns such as Christmas or summer.

The fact of being prepared for change, includes digitization processes or the incorporation of technology into the company. These are issues that directly affect the staff, and the organization must have workers prepared to respond to the new situation. This is achieved by combining worker training and the recruitment of personnel equipped to work with these means and lead the change from within the company itself.

Retention of talent: employee management

Although we associate recruitment with the selection of new workers, the strategic recruitment and selection plan cannot lose sight of internal talent. Human capital is the great treasure of any organization and must be taken care of. Attracting talent to our company will be useless if it ends up leaving. The departure of a worker is always a great loss. First, because we lose manpower and productivity suffers. And second, because filling the vacancy has a high cost.

Retaining human talent is a challenge. And to make things easier, the strategic recruitment and selection plan should include the development of career plans. A strategic human resources plan will help us know what keeps workers motivated. Beyond promotions, financial incentives and benefits such as flexible hours or health insurance are a plus when retaining talent. We have to create the ideal scenario for them to enjoy a positive employee experience.

Through performance management we can relocate workers where they are most productive. A clear and standardized promotion policy, understandable to the entire organization, will allow better talent management. It should be noted that both salary and benefits and promotion policies must be equitable. Many times, internal talent is the best recruitment option. There is no need to look outside for what we have at home.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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