Recruitment and Selection
How to conduct massive interviews
A mass interview will help you streamline your recruitment processes. To find out how, keep reading. We'll tell you all about it on the blog!
Recruitment and Selection
A mass interview will help you streamline your recruitment processes. To find out how, keep reading. We'll tell you all about it on the blog!
Marcos Lopez
HR Consultant
14 of March, 2025
The mass interview is the new formula that companies use when selecting workers. Their human resources departments have seen in this type of meetings a more effective way of selecting staff.
Professionals who perform this task appreciate qualities in these meetings that would otherwise go unnoticed.
If you do not know what mass interviews consist of, we are going to explain everything you need to know about these meetings. We will start by defining them and then we will talk about their advantages and how they are done.
As its name suggests, a mass interview is one that is done to several people at the same time. In this case, it would be candidates for a job. And it can be part of the high-volume recruitment process.
On the one hand, there’s you as a member of the human resources department or executive, who are the recruiter. And on the other, two or more people who aspire to get the job that is being offered.
In these meetings, the recruiter must propose dynamics to work on. But then he/she will act almost like a moderator.
As for the former, the interviewees are to showcase their skills in certain work scenarios. For example, they are placed in situations where they must show their empathy or their ability to make decisions.
Thus, you can observe how they interact with other people and also appreciate how they might perform as a team.
Given all that we are explaining, you will see that the mass interview has several advantages. We have already mentioned a few, but let’s summarize them all so that you have a clear understanding:
Given all this, you might think that mass interviews are all advantages. Indeed, they have many, but they are not all benefits.
They also have some disadvantages. And it’s important to know them in order to solve them. The main disadvantages of mass interviews are the following:
We have already explained what a mass interview is and its advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, it’s time to show you the different steps that recruiters should follow in them.
Whether you are one of them or even if you are going to face an interview of this type, it will be useful to know them. The most important ones are as follows.
Human resources managers create their questions before facing the group interview. Among the most common questions that are asked in the mass interview are the following:
If you are the human resources manager, you should make a list with these questions and others. It is also important that you time their responses.
In this way, you will check if the responses given are too long or too short.
If you are the interviewer, it is advisable that, at the start of the mass interview, you call all the candidates by their name. You should also allow all of them to intervene. Therefore, it is essential that you control the time well so that everyone can participate.
You should also register their answers in real-time. With this, you will have a record of how long each one has taken to respond. In this way, you will get an idea of their fluency in doing so. You will also see their ability to synthesize and their eloquence.
On the other hand, you should also keep in mind some tips to have a successful meeting. The most important ones are:
In conclusion, the mass interview is being the most used resource by companies among the methods of recruiting workers. If you’re in charge of the meeting or one of the executives in charge of the process, you should prepare for it well.
It is also important that you control its development. In this way, you will achieve the result you are looking for.
In any case, if you want to better manage the human resources of your company, continue reading about the Sesame HR human resources software, which will make it easier.