Recruitment and Selection

How to manage an online recruitment process from HR

Carrying out an online recruitment process is simple if you consider some key points. Want to know them? Read us on the blog!


Isabel García

HR Consultant

manage online recruitment process

17 of March, 2025

The process of online recruitment is becoming the most frequently used method of hiring. The emergence of human resources software such as Sesame HR has greatly facilitated this form of e-recruiting.

This form of staff selection is significantly improving employment. To help you implement it in your company, we are going to explain everything you need to know.

How to manage an online recruitment process

E-recruitment, as it is known in English, involves developing an entire online recruitment process through new technologies. This covers both the search for candidates and their recruitment, as well as the subsequent selection of the best candidates.

For all this, human resources programs are used, but also digital communication tools. For example, social networks.

In any case, for any process of recruitment you should follow these stages.

1. Planning

In this initial phase you define the characteristics of the job you want to fill and the profile of the ideal candidate. With this, you are significantly narrowing the search and saving work for your human resources department.

In terms of the qualities that the professional you are looking for should have, you need to specify traits such as the following:

  • Academic curriculum.
  • Professional experience.
  • Supplementary training.
  • Personality. Whether they need to be proactive, sociable, etc.

2. Spreading the start of the selection process

The second step is to publish your job offer on the appropriate technological channels. Depending on the type of professional you are looking for, you will select a specific platform or social network.

For example, if you are looking for a specialized worker, you can publish it on LinkedIn. However, if it is a more general offer, you can use job portals such as Infojobs.

3. Screening of candidates

This is, perhaps, the most tedious task in the online recruitment process. It involves discarding the resumes that adapt the worst to what you are looking for and selecting the most suitable candidates. To make your task easier, it is essential to segment and filter them.

For example, you can apply criteria such as what qualities are essential for the work or which ones add more value.

You can also base your decision simply on the studies completed or on the greater or lesser professional experience.

All these filters are valid for the development of the screening of candidates for the job position. But, above all, this laborious task can be greatly facilitated by a human resources software like Sesame HR. Its process automation will make your task a lot easier.

4. Scheduling and conducting online Interviews

Once the previous steps have been completed, the online staff recruitment continues with the interviews. Prior to this, you will need to create a calendar for each appointment. In other words, you need to contact the selected candidates and set a date and time for an online meeting.

During the interview, you can ask questions to verify their real knowledge and experience. You also need to pay attention to their non-verbal language. Their gestures, use of hands or movements can reveal soft skills they possess.

The term refers to a candidate’s social and emotional skills. They are more related to emotional intelligence. By observing them, you can get an idea, for example, of their leadership capabilities or adaptability.

5. Closing the online recruitment process

Now comes one of the most difficult moments in the online recruitment process. This is the selection of the new worker and the rejection of the rest. Once the choice has been made, it must be communicated to all the candidates.

The chosen one is notified to start, and the rest are notified that they are no longer in the e-recruitment process.

6. The incorporation of the new employee

The final phase of online recruitment, but not less important, is the onboarding in the company of the new worker. This English term defines the process of incorporating this person. More specifically, it is the software that accelerates and simplifies this process.

The software provides all the information necessary to start working. For example, access codes, contact information of clients and co-workers, or online training. It also automates the workflow and even provides information to superiors about how the process is going.

Benefits of the online recruitment process

The main benefit of an online recruitment process is the agility it brings to the whole process. Compare this with the laboriousness of carrying out selection tasks a few years ago.

On the other hand, e-recruitment based on human resources software greatly facilitates your work. But, in addition, this recruitment system has many other advantages. We show you the main ones:

  • Receiving more applications. By spreading your selection process through the Internet, you can have an international reach. As a result, many more people, including candidates from other countries, will apply. This is important in countries like the US, with substantial labor mobility.
  • Obtain more data about each applicant. The agility that new technologies provide allows you to receive and analyze much more information from each candidate.
  • More precise segmentation. Both human resources software and job platforms allow you to streamline and specify your segmentation of applicants.
  • Cost savings. Online recruitment is much cheaper for your company than the traditional system.

Disadvantages of the process

But there are also some drawbacks to the online recruitment process both for the company and the candidate. The main ones are as follows:

  • Loss of human contact, which can dehumanize the process of talent management.
  • Excess of applicants and information about each one.
  • Outdated profiles and problems reaching the most specialized ones.

Tips for a quick and effective process

In view of all that has been explained, you can see that online staff recruitment is very beneficial for your company. But, in addition, the best way to optimize the process is to have good human resources software.

Thanks to it, you will be able to speed up the process and obtain the best results. And with all this, you will save money.

In conclusion, we have explained everything you need to know about the online recruitment process. Do you find this information interesting? We hope so. To find out more about all that human resources software can offer you, stay tuned to Sesame HR.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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