Recruitment and Selection

Social recruiting or the value of social networks for attracting talent

Discover the advantages and strategies of the social recruiting process or the use of social networks to attract talent.


Isabel García

HR Consultant

social recruiting

12 of March, 2025

Every time we need to be more ingenious when it comes to finding new talents for our company. And not for lack of channels: the company’s website, word of mouth, generic job portals, ETTs… and social networks. The social recruiting is an increasingly common way to attract talent.

At this point, we’re not going to discover the value of social networks for issuing messages or corporate communications. They’re the best speaker we can have.

Plus, the investment will be minimal and we will reach thousands of people.

That’s why social media recruiting is increasingly widespread as a way of recruiting staff. Want to take advantage of it?

What do we understand by Social Recruiting?

We understand social recruiting as the set of actions and strategies developed on social networks to attract and attract talent.

In other words, the search for workers through social networks. For this, a series of strategies between digital marketing and human resources will have to be developed.

Thanks to company recruitment, we can obtain additional candidate information. We are not limited to what their curriculum indicates, but we go beyond the labor field.

We will be able to know their tastes, their lifestyle, their hobbies. From there, it will be easier to know if it fits with our team and corporate culture.

If you are in charge of developing social recruiting, you should know that there are three basic premises that we cannot ignore. We will apply them both in recruitment through social media recruiting and in talent retention.

They are as follows:

  1. Active search for professional profiles. Find the ideal worker, don’t wait for them to come to you.
  2. The interaction is added value against the competition. Don’t make them wait.
  3. Use feedback to inform potential candidates of your selection processes or their current status.

It should be noted that social recruiting is not limited to social networks. Our recruitment strategies can also be developed in blogs, forums, job forums and similar online scenarios.

The key is the ability to speak, chat and interact with anyone we locate on these paths.

5 Advantages of the Social Media Recruiting process

We could spend a week listing the multiple benefits of social recruiting.

The most obvious of all is that it broadens horizons when it comes to attracting talent. We reach many more people.

But there are many other advantages that you should not miss:

  • Improves your employer branding: through LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter or Instagram you can reach millions of users. Your company -and your selection processes- will reach a lot more people.
  • Access to passive candidates: we already said it, don’t wait for the candidate to come to you and go for him. Company recruitment allows you to reach candidates that you otherwise could not.
  • Higher quality candidates: the fact of “knowing” the candidates in advance ensures that they fit the profile sought. We avoid a flood of CVs that do not fit what is sought.
  • Speed and immediacy: unlike traditional recruitment, social recruiting offers us real-time communication. The candidate search cycle is shortened.
  • Competitive advantage: it is always better to have a presence on the networks than not to have it. In this sense, we can overtake the competition.
  • Employee participation: the workforce can get involved in the social recruiting strategy. It is a way to spread our corporate culture or their experience in the organization. In this way, we send a positive and attractive message for talent.
  • Little economic investment: another of the great differences with traditional methods is that it does not imply any additional expense. With a meager investment, you will get a much better result.

How to define a recruitment strategy for social networks

The professional use of social networks is key for this type of strategy to be successful, and for this, there are a series of steps that you should not skip.

Note the most basic issues to draw a social recruiting strategy from scratch, read and pay attention:

  • Define the goal and objectives.
  • Choose the specific target to whom you want to direct and you want to send the job offer.
  • Make an appropriate selection of social networks in which you want to carry out the social recruiting strategy.
  • Create a content calendar.
  • Provide all the information about the job offer.
  • Go for the feedback.
  • Promote actions for your workers to get involved.
  • Delineate the content that will come out on each social network.
  • Opt for visual or striking content.
  • Share quality resources and content.
  • Measure the results.

Next, we explain what each of these actions consists of:

Social media recruiting strategies

If you want to take advantage of the potential of social networks to attract talent, as we have commented, you must design a social recruiting plan.

First of all, it is essential to be clear about the goal, objectives and target. From there we will select the social networks where we will act and we will create a content calendar.

Provide as much information as possible about your vacancies, and don’t forget the feedback.

You already know that very visual or striking content works better.

Make sure to share resources and quality content. And don’t forget to measure the results of your strategies.

Identification of social recruiting objectives

Any strategy responds to an objective. To outline it, it is essential to know how the social network works and what audience it has. What kind of professional will we find in it.

We cannot overlook that they demand daily content. We will decide what, how and who to communicate.

What social networks to use for company recruiting

You have a wide range of networks, each with its idiosyncrasy.

LinkedIn is the labor social network par excellence, very corporate. Through the hashtags of

Twitter we can get involved in certain topics or conversations.

Facebook is ideal for work groups, Instagram or Pinterest are characterized by visual content.

Attractive brand image for social recruiting

Everything you reflect on social networks must convey a real and attractive brand image. You can use them to highlight the most positive elements, your culture and philosophy.

Employee participation is always a plus. And don’t forget the feedback with users and the speed to offer it.

Social recruiting examples

One of the clearest social recruiting examples are companies sharing their job offers in tweets. A post where the vacancy and the link appear for interested parties to send their CV.

Another possibility is highlighting employees on networks. For example, after winning an award.

It is also common to see organizations that share the day to day in their networks. Or rather, the beauty of day-to-day life, their spectacular facilities, etc.

Some companies choose to share their social work on networks, for example collaborating with foundations or associations. A way to enhance their image.

Do you want to know more about social recruiting? Discover in the Sesame HR blog how to get the most out of your social networks when attracting talent for the company.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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