Recruitment and Selection

Steps to conduct a job positions analysis

Discover the best steps for conducting job analyses within a company and the most notable aspects of each one of them.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

steps job positions analysis

3 of March, 2025

Before posting a job offer, the human resources department must perform a job analysis for the role being offered, as well as evaluate the need and purpose of the position.

Any job analysis involves collecting data and information about responsibilities, functions, tasks, skills, and training awareness so that the chosen person perfectly matches the job description and matches the needs of the business.

For this, using appropriate personnel selection tools like Sesame will facilitate this important work.

How to analyze a job position in a company

When a vacancy is opened, a thorough job analysis must be performed, as well as the main tasks and responsibilities of it.

This procedure is essential for knowing exactly what is being sought in a new employee before starting the recruitment and selection process.

What exactly does the job involve? What are the main tasks? What kind of knowledge should the ideal candidate have? What types of responsibilities should they assume? What are the skills and most valued abilities in a given job?

These are some of the questions for which you will find answers when analyzing job positions before a recruitment process.

For this, you must focus on reviewing the following steps and the keys to analyzing a job simply, pay special attention:

  1. Gather information to determine the position in a given department through someone who has previously held the job, asking the team or the department head.
  2. Identify the position with a specific designation,
  3. Define the tasks with the help of the following questions: What does the employee do? How do they do it? Why do they do it?
  4. Group tasks into similar functions.
  5. Define the experience and training of the employee that is needed to correctly assume all functions.
  6. List the main responsibilities and position it in the corporate organization chart to determine the salary structure that corresponds to this candidate.
  7. Add the most valued professional competencies.
  8. Choose a set of competencies and skills based on the needs of the company.
  9. Review the relations they will have with the rest of the team and if their role is more focused on supervision or takes on another role.

The best techniques for a successful job analysis

Tests or labor surveys, interviews, direct observation or expert collaboration are some of the best ways to perform a job analysis and its description.

This will determine the needs for personnel recruitment and choose the most suitable people to join your team.

Remember that this is about performing a job analysis and not about the person doing it. In short, the idea is to obtain detailed knowledge of the functions of the position, its responsibilities and obligations, to improve the candidate’s experience and optimize results in recruitment and selection processes.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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