Recruitment and Selection
Talent magnet: how to attract and retain the best people
Attracting human talent in companies is a daunting task that must be tackled by designing a talent attraction plan.
Recruitment and Selection
Attracting human talent in companies is a daunting task that must be tackled by designing a talent attraction plan.
Marcos Lopez
HR Consultant
3 of March, 2025
How to achieve high-quality talent recruitment? Are highly qualified employees very selective? Yes, that’s why creating an attractive employer brand and becoming a magnet for attracting talent can help you engage the best types of talents to increase your company’s chances of success. Using a good personnel selection tool can also be an option to perform this arduous task.
In the book Talent Magnet: How to attract and keep the best people, Mark Miller shows us how beyond vision, strategy, creativity, marketing or technology, it is people who determine a company’s success.
That’s why many companies seek out the best talents and professional profiles in the marketplace, but do you know what they value and look for in a employer brand? In the book Talent Magnet, you’ll discover how to attract and retain talent in your company. What are you waiting for?
What to do when the talent pipeline is blocked? CEO Blake Brown received the news from the HR department that there were clear workloads, as they had not been able to hire enough high-quality employees. Faced with this situation, he decided to find out what the best job prospects value in order to increase his chances of recruiting and thus turn the organization into a talent magnet.
The results were clear: competitive wages, appropriate employee training, safe work environment, a good team, respectful treatment, and having the necessary resources and tools to undertake each of their responsibilities. Both the best market candidates and average job applicants greatly value all these aspects when looking for a job.
The best professional profiles also demand bigger visions, competent leaders, and the prospect of gaining experience and skills to achieve their professional ambitions.
“Raise the caliber of your players and your chances of winning will increase”
Leadership, future opportunities, a broader mission and other matters are essential for employees to feel engaged and committed to your brand.
To decrease the rate of staff turnover in a company, it’s important to know all that your team or the profiles you want to attract value so that they have no professional complaints or that through organizational climate surveys you can know their opinion and make decisions about it.
Blake Brown drew up the formula to maintain and retain talent:
Talent Magnet Formula
TM = B3A
This means that the strength of the talent is the ability to fulfill the promises: better boss, bigger vision and bright future B3 multiplied by the awareness of our promise.
This study demonstrated that if all these factors were raised but, they did not demonstrate that the company was special as well as its job prospects, the talent acquisition wouldn’t last. In this sense, it’s relevant to highlight the differentiating points of the company.
Generating superior results, assuming complex tasks, representing the brand, attracting more talent, streamlining the workflow… All of this is much simpler if you have profiles with great talent in your business.
However, not only does talent matter to drive a company’s trajectory, it’s also important that the company culture is solid, that the leaders are respectful and know how to coordinate and delegate.
In these situations, the most talented professionals strive, identify with the company’s mission and values and have a positive impact.
If you intend to create a great employer brand, don’t forget that having the best professional profiles on your team will make the company more attractive to candidates who apply for new recruitment processes. To do this, you should not forget to improve the employee experience in all your processes, recruitment, onboarding…
Having the best professionals changes the company culture and reputation. When you tell the company story, have candidates interact with the talent you already have, through social media, the web and their communication campaigns.
In conclusion, the book Talent Magnet: How to attract and keep the best people by Mark Miller highlights the importance of surrounding yourself with good talent and that it is a significant competitive advantage, making it much more productive and also serves to improve the recruitment strategy and attracts other quality hires.