Recruitment and Selection
The most useful staff selection tools for recruitment
Discover all the staff selection tools that you can use to carry out a quality hiring process.
Recruitment and Selection
Discover all the staff selection tools that you can use to carry out a quality hiring process.
Marcos Lopez
HR Consultant
4 of March, 2025
The staff recruitment processes continue to incorporate new features. The search for personnel has experienced significant changes related to the emergence of staff selection tools. Many of these can be integrated into a single one, such as a program that guides us through the selection process. Depending on the time or circumstances, the use of one tool or another will be preferable. However, to make good use of them, recruiters will first need to be familiar with them.
How do resumes reach your company? Including a virtual form helps to standardize the receipt of applications. We ensure that all applicants send the same information, in the same format. This way, you can speed up the sorting of candidates. Forcing applicants to fill out this form will help ensure only interested candidates respond. This eliminates the possibility of people sending in their resume when they are not actually interested.
Leaving the tracking of the recruitment process in the hands of a specialized tool is always a wise decision. One of the many options out there is Sesame HR’s HR software. With these programs, we can analyze each candidate one by one and have good information about them. It is possible to generate a database, score them based on their skills or training, or mark where they are in the process. Have we interviewed them? Do we need to interview them again? Is their application discarded or have they passed a stage?
The advantages of these types of recruitment and selection tools are numerous, among others, they accelerate the selection process. Every day that passes without filling a vacancy, the company is losing competitiveness. Additionally, it helps to unload work from the human resources team. Some, like Sesame HR, have additional features such as evaluations, or the creation of a candidate pool. This way, it is not necessary to restart the entire process if a new vacancy arises.
One of the most popular staff selection tools in recent times is gamification. With it, tests or games can be developed, applicable in the personnel search process. The goal is for candidates to pass a test where they face situations similar to those they would encounter in their job. It serves so that recruiters can analyze how the candidate reacts in specific situations. Their reaction in the test or game will determine their response in critical moments. It also allows for the evaluation of teamwork skills.
Many companies include psychological or psychotechnical tests for applicants. This is the case for oppositions to state security forces, but they can also be applied in the private sector. They also serve to measure the worker’s motivation, attitude, values, or abilities. However, some psychological tests can be somewhat invasive to their privacy.
As for ability tests, they serve to know if the candidate has the current level required for the position to which they are applying. How many times have we found candidates who did not meet the minimum requirement? The main drawback of these tests is that they cannot be adapted to a specific position. However, they offer the guarantee of selecting a person who is intellectually prepared for the job.
This is a very useful tool in job interviews. It involves creating scorecards for the questions that are asked. A preliminary work is necessary, especially fixing the necessary skills and requirements for the job. According to the response obtained, we will score these skills one way or another. Thanks to the scores, we can easily compare which candidate is best suited for the position, how many cover certain skills and to what extent, etc.
Again in job interviews, we have a tool like the killer questions. They are questions to filter applications and accept or discard based on the answer they give us. The great advantage of this tool is that each company can adjust them to their needs. They can be applied both for a first filter and to make the final selection. However, the recruiter must be qualified to ask these decisive questions and make the most of them.
Social recruiting is a tool increasingly used by recruiters. LinkedIn is the preeminent employment social network, but Facebook, Twitter, blogs, forums, or websites can also find interesting candidates. Beyond direct personnel search, with social recruiting the candidate can contact us. The company advertises, and the candidates contact them. It is one of the few bidirectional personnel selection tools.
It sounds futuristic, but AI can already be applied in talent recruitment. On the one hand, it can help us publish or share our offer in specialized sites. Automating it saves the time it takes to do it site by site, and more people can be reached. With a good algorithm, it’s easy to find specific profiles. In the coming years, the number of companies using Artificial Intelligence in their search for workers will increase, which will also facilitate the selection and management of resumes.
If you want to test how Artificial Intelligence in HR works, you only need to request a 14-day demonstration of our HR software. At Sesame HR, we are your trusted experts!