Recruitment and Selection
Types of job insertion strategies for a company
Employment integration strategies will help you create a diverse space within your company. Don't know where to start? We can advise you!
Recruitment and Selection
Employment integration strategies will help you create a diverse space within your company. Don't know where to start? We can advise you!
Marcos Lopez
HR Consultant
18 of March, 2025
In recent years, labor insertion strategies have been a topic of conversation due to economic changes. But you may be wondering, what is labor insertion?
The labor insertion strategies are introduced with the aim of promoting employment and support in the creation of new positions, especially for certain types of social groups that often find themselves in difficulties.
Why are the labor insertion strategies in the company important? Keep reading to discover everything you need to know about the various benefits that updating your staff selection process can have.
The term labor integration or insertion refers to the actions to be carried out to accompany, integrate and incorporate into the labor market all those who want to work, especially groups that have difficulty accessing it. For this, it is also important to maintain a inclusive leadership.
This is one of the most important challenges that society must face daily. The objectives of labor insertion strategies are the following:
So, what does job insertion have to do with the company? Work is one of the fundamental tools for social inclusion. It is the main route of access to certain economic resources. In addition, it is essential to enable personal and social development.
Hence the importance of establishing labor insertion strategies in companies and raising awareness of the advantages that these can have for them.
It should be remembered that it is not only an individual problem, but a social one. Therefore, all the organizations that make up society must create the appropriate processes to favor these people starting in the labor world.
For our company to carry out its integration strategy in the labor world, it must know how to implement it step by step. However, before talking about the steps to follow, some keys must be taken into account for it to be a complete success:
The labor insertion strategy in a company can be decisive in fostering a work environment where certain values such as cohesion and solidarity prevail. That is, it is also a business growth strategy.
Do you want to establish a quality labor insertion strategy? Here are some of the necessary steps to carry it out.
The ideas and preconceived concepts about different social groups tend to be erroneously extended to all people of the same. Clichés are part of society, but they should be avoided when carrying out a labor insertion strategy.
The important thing in people is that they bring value to the entity. For this reason, when planning a labor insertion strategy, what should concern us is finding people committed to the corporate culture of our organization.
The criteria for staff selection in our company should focus on the skills and competencies of each of the candidates. This means that the human potential behind each one, their aptitudes and their experience, must be observed to find the most suitable for each position.
For your company to be an example of integration, you must opt for people who feel committed to equality. Similarly, you will have to always offer the same opportunities to all of them.
If you want to promote teamwork, mutual commitment and shared responsibilities must be shown. In this way, people will feel integrated and their creativity will increase, thus improving daily performance in the company.
When making your labor insertion strategy, you must bear in mind that the values that your company projects and disseminates will make the difference.
Therefore, action strategies should be created that allow sharing the concerns that concern society, so that they are positively reflected in the corporate image. These must be captured in the equality plan of your company.
There are multiple benefits of developing a labor insertion strategy. Among the most notable are the following:
These are some advantages of having a labor insertion strategy. Now that you know them, all you have to do is implement them in your company. If you want to find out more about this and other related topics, check out Sesame HR’s blog. Your HR software of choice.