Recruitment and Selection

Types of recruitment managed by a company’s HR team.

Discover the different types of recruitment in the company and what their advantages are. Read us on the blog for more information!


Isabel García

HR Consultant

types recruitment

21 of March, 2025

Talent recruitment is one of the main processes that the HR team must deal with on a daily basis. However, there are several types of recruitment to consider to choose the one that interests each entity the most.

Want to discover the different types of recruitment that exist? We have prepared this article to tell you everything you need to know about personnel selection. Keep reading to discover it!

Types of recruitment

Among the different types of recruitment in a company that can be found are the following:

Internal recruitment

This seeks to meet the need for talent by focusing on the company itself. That is, it involves looking for staff among the collaborators who are in the entity at that time.

The type of internal recruitment should be the first option for companies. If there are no internal candidates, then the external one should be chosen, as this option includes candidates who already know the organizational culture and the entity knows how they perform their functions

External recruitment

Another of the types of recruitment that exist is the external one, which focuses on looking for candidates outside the organization. The idea is to find the necessary talent for a specific position. It is one of the modalities most extended by companies and talent agencies.

Mixed recruitment

In the case of mixed recruitment, it combines internal and external to fill a certain vacancy. Through the mixed one, candidates are sought both inside and outside the company, so the process is fairer and impartial.

Social recruitment

This type of recruitment, also known as recruitment 2.0 is supported by social networks like LinkedIn and advances in technology to find the specific candidate. These platforms allow to have a direct sample of the capacities and talent of the person, as well as to know the business networks or professional motivations.

Differences between internal and external recruitment

The main difference between both types of recruitment is the source of talent to which they have access. While internal recruitment focuses on the company’s workers, external recruitment looks for candidates outside the organization.

Advantages of carrying out both types of recruitment

Both types of recruitment have certain advantages that make them an interesting choice for companies. The following are some of these benefits:

Advantages of internal recruitment

The type of internal recruitment has a number of benefits that every company should consider:

Benefits of external recruitment

On the other hand, the type of external recruitment has various advantages for the entity, such as the following:

These are some of the existing types of recruitment that every organization can use. What are you waiting for to put it into practice? Find all the necessary information on our blog. We are your reference HR software!

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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