Time Management

Which is the best way to track time at work?

To track time at work you need to understand the best tools, techniques and practices. Our helpful guide and app is here to help you with this.


Marcos Lopez

HR Consultant

Best Way to Track Time om the Office

26 of February, 2021

Time tracking at work is an important part of developing your workforce’s productivity. As a manager you may want to know the amount of time your employees are spending on specific tasks. You may also have to track the time of your employees as part of the legal requirements for hours they must work in particular contexts.  Understanding which is the best way to track time at work is important to get the best out of your colleagues.

With Sesame and other tools at your disposal you can implement a regime in the office. A regime where time tracking is no longer a stressful endeavour and where you are in control. And where time is no longer the enemy.

Why track time at work?

Time is one of the most significant resources in the world. It is the most finite when you think of it. The way people use their time is the difference between success and failure in the workplace. In order to allocate time as a resource effectively, you track the time you spend on your tasks and re-think how you can increase your productivity. Many of the apps you see on your phone are designed with idea of speed and efficiency in mind.

As a manager it also helps you deliver on any administrative obligations around time tracking in your country. You can also use it to identify who is quicker and more efficient at what tasks and get them to specialise in said task. With time tracking software you can identify who is working on what and for how long.

What are some good tips for time tracking

As an employer or employee you may want to know the best ways to track your time. This includes

  • the way you take on each task in terms of time input;
  • what your breaking policy is, and how employees use their breaks.
  • the time and output data collection process;
  • the analysing of said data;
  • and how to manage your time and that of your employees more effectively on the basis

Our tips for proper time tracking include :

  • Tailoring time tracking per each employee to their best working practices. Some employees will find time tracking more difficult than others. It is your job to see if your employee finds the time tracking to cumbersome to manage themselves and tailor your policy accordingly
  • Try to make reports as efficiently as possible by using a time tracking app that helps you deliver the reports automatically from the data it collects.
  • Make sure you factor in schedule flexibility in your business allows it so that employees can feel happier in their work and maximise their time. Studies show that staying fixed on a project for an excessive amount of time is difficult to sustain. Allowing them breaks, work from home, and so on is extremely helpful.

What tools can I use for time tracking?

Time tracking tools exist in numerous formats. One of the most popular one is a time clocking system: Early formats of the time clocking system included a punching machine where employees or workers would punch in or out of the system. Nowadays the clocking systems have been digitalised and you can have a multi-device app to clock in and track your individual tasks and projects.

Time tracking tools can also include pomodoro timer apps, or an Excel template to track the time you spend on each task. But we recommend using an all-in-one time management app.

Have a look at our time tracking software tips in our blog post here.

Cristina Martin

People and Talent Director | LinkedIn | | Web | +post

Professional with over 20 years of extensive experience in various areas of Human Resources (Recruitment, Training, Occupational Risk Prevention, and Personnel Management). Experience in the Management Department: Broad understanding of the company and HR.

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