Workplace Productivity
Main causes of low job performance among employees
Detecting poor job performance in employees is essential for implementing productivity improvement measures. Read us!
Workplace Productivity
Detecting poor job performance in employees is essential for implementing productivity improvement measures. Read us!
Marcos Lopez
HR Consultant
28 of February, 2025
A low job performance from any company’s employees can mean a loss of profit for the business. No matter the position of the professional.
Certain situations such as demotivation or stress can significantly reduce productivity by up to 40%.
If you notice your team feeling unmotivated, and overall trust in the company has diminished, it’s crucial you act as soon as you see the work environment and job performance presenting issues.
In all cases, it is always important to consider the personal circumstances of the work teams, as well as the atmosphere in the company. You can implement workplace climate surveys for this.
To affirm that job performance is not adequate, the first thing you must do as a business owner is measure the productivity of your business. Only then can accurate conclusions be drawn.
For this, it is necessary to set a series of measurable objectives. You should also check the outcome of the work from all members of your organization, and interview them.
Using the data obtained, you can discern the origin of the various causes.
One such cause may be a lack of motivation. This can be due to issues that are external to the company, as well as internal ones. Such as not feeling valued for the achievements made.
In an extreme case you can even feel the burnout syndrome, in which case it is highly recommended to seek a professional to prevent the situation from worsening.
An uncomfortable climate in the work environment, which can be due to hygienic and environmental factors such as temperature, lighting or noise, are also key factors and other causes of low job performance.
But this situation could also be caused by the relationship between colleagues and with the bosses themselves. In fact, distrust among people who work in the same place implies a serious problem. In this case, communication has to become your best ally.
The company’s policy, salary or scant possibilities for professional development are other examples of dissatisfaction when it comes to work.
For this reason, an aspect that you also have to take into account is to positively value any job, is work-life balance.
Regardless of what low job performance can mean at an individual level, you should consider that it is more than likely that it will become toxic. And that, surely, it will manage to infect a good part of the organization.
For this reason, it is a priority for you to be capable of offering a preventive attitude in your business and find solutions for low job performance.
One of your main goals is to ensure that each employee knows perfectly what their responsibilities and functions are within the company. If this is the case, it will be much easier to set a series of limits and objectives.
Maintaining constant dialogue is also very important. Knowing how your employees feel and what their professional needs are, is vital to assist them in their evolution.
Offering a reward for employee commitment in their work is such a simple action and has such a positive effect on them, it should not be forgotten. In addition, this significantly reduces the risk of them feeling “burned out” in their job.
To avoid all these uncomfortable situations, there are certain very feasible ideas that you can carry out. Let’s see some of the most notorious ones.
If you’re wondering how to solve low job performance, it’s crucial to use a strategy as simple and useful as recognizing the progress of each of the employees.
Similarly, you should provide them with support when they make mistakes with the objective of helping them to overcome them. Performance assessment is vital to be able to give constant feedback to employees.
Implementing a kind of guide where the actions that both the businessman and the employee are committed to undertake to achieve higher performance are established, is another excellent solution.
As well as the presentation of a low job performance report if the opposite is the case, that is, when the planned objectives have not been achieved.
Reviewing and checking the results of the previous plan serves to see if the employee has improved their performance.
If not, a reprimand can be issued for low job performance and even replace them with another person.
In fact, sometimes offering support, resources or greater recognition is not enough.
As a good leader, you must act effectively in the face of a problem of low job performance within your company.
You have to have in mind to bring out the best in each of your workers so that they feel better professionals. It is not about threatening with reprisals, but about being their ally.
In fact, when functions are not performed correctly, a number of counterproductive results for the company occur. Such as projects being much slower.
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