Organizational chart
A very visual, accessible and interactive map of your company's internal organization updated in real time.
![Organizational Chart Team organizational chart team](
Easily visualize the results of Evaluations
Combine the value of the company's organizational chart and the knowledge offered by the Evaluations tool to produce a much more exhaustive analysis of what your team is thinking and feeling. Their answers will be captured and displayed on a colour map to help you identify trends faster.
![Organizational Chart Company organizational chart company](
![Organizational Chart employee organizational chart employee](
The corporate organization chart: key to internal communication in organizations
Facilitates Onboarding
Helps new hires to put a face to their new colleagues and get to know the internal structure.
Information for HR and managers
Provides a visual perspective of the situation of the different departments of the company to make better decisions.
Communication between employees
A source of information that your employees can use to help them to find their way around the other teams in the company.