People Database
All the information about the people in your team centralized, updated and easily accessible in a human resources dashboard.

Centralized information in a Human Resources dashboard
Design your human resources management system
Select which fields of information you want to see on each employee record.
Filter the employee database information
Streamline data searches by filtering the digital personnel file by department, office, state...
Export the human resources database
Elige solo la información de la ficha de empleado que quieres exportar. En PDF, CSV y Excel.

All HR management system information at a glance
Streamline processes and minimize errors in employee records
All the information you need in your human resources management processes at a glance.
Stay ahead of your HR management needs
Easily analyze your HR scorecard, spot trends and make business decisions.
Get to know the potential of your employees with their digital employee file
Training, skills ... detect opportunities for your employees within the company with your HR software.
Real-time digital employee file
People database synchronized in real time
Add or modify employee data and they will be updated in real time in the database. -
Basic and complete employee file
Create a complete personnel file with the data you need. -
Human resources database accessible from the HR dashboard
Store all of your team's employee records in an orderly fashion. -
Real-time HR dashboard
Employee records at a glance and always up to date.